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Operations on the nail

Also in the nail area, the nedd for an operation may arise, for example, in case of a suspected mealignent mealnoma or fro inflammatory processes, such as paronychia or unguis incarnatus  (i.e.ingrown nail).

Operations in the nail area should always be performed under regional anesthesia.
Also a turniquet should be applied to prevent extensive bleeding which usually occurs due to sympathikolysis.

Therapy of the Unguis incarnatus was typically carried out by the method of EMMERT (a special excision techniuqe), where the lateral nail edge and the bed of the nail were excised up to the matrix of the nail and the periost. During this procedure it was of utmost importance to completely excise the proximal matrix of the nail to prevent recurrences. Today, a modified procedure is applied, where only the lateral nailplate is removed, while the base and the matrix are treated topically with a concentrated phenole solution which permanently destroys the matrix in this area (Phenole-EMMERT).